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Consultation meeting Climate change and Cities March 6th 2024

This April, the IPCC working group 2 (Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability) will organize a scoping session for a special report on Climate Change and Cities. During this scoping session, the broad contours of the report will be decided.  Heleen de Coninck and Anne-Marie Hitipeuw-Gribnauw will participate for the Netherlands in this IPCC scoping session in April. In the run-up to this event, KIN organises an expert consultation meeting, feeding into the IPCC scoping meeting. The KIN Expert Consultation will be held on March 6. Both participants for the IPCC scoping meeting will be present. Join us, share your insights and learn from a diverse group of participants!


The KIN Expert Consultation is an opportunity to convey which themes and policy-related questions you want to see addressed by the IPCC. It is also an excellent opportunity to broaden your own horizon by meeting experts working in different field. In the future, the IPCC might use the expertise of this meeting as a sounding board. 

What to prepare

We welcome you with your expertise and experiences. We do ask you for an open mind to learn from different perspectives. You may consider thinking about the following questions in advance:

  • What do I know about the IPCC and how could their expertise help me in my position? Click here for more information on IPCC and working group II. Click here for the Summary for Urban Policy Makers.

  • Which dilemmas do I face, and what research and knowledge do I seek to realize effective climate policy and action? How could these be addressed by the IPCC report?

  • What form/shape of scientific reporting would I find helpful for my own work, please think about examples of literature that was useful for you.


Trippenhuis, KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam. Click here to read how to reach this location.


Vegan and vegetarian lunch will be served. For questions or remarks, please reach us through contact@hetkin.nl

This event will be held in English. Registration is no longer possible.


  • 9.30 Doors open
  • 10.00 Start programme – Setting the scene, with various successive speakers on:
    • Climate change and cities by Andy van den Dobbelsteen
    • Examples of climate policy in practice
    • The IPCC and how it works by Leo Meyer
  • 11.30 Start consultation, meeting Heleen de Coninck and Anne-Marie Hitipeuw
  • 12.30 Lunch
  • 13.30 Consultation
  • 16.00 Closing speech by Bart van den Hurk
  • 16.30 Drinks


We would love to stay in touch and share your details with other participants to support your networking opportunities. Please click here to give your consent.

In this programme

Heleen de Coninck is one of the two Dutch participants in the scoping session for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. She is professor in system transitions, innovation and climate change at both Eindhoven Technical University and Radboud University. Heleen was a coordinating lead author in the  IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018) as well as the mitigation part of the AR6 (2022). She is also the vice-chair of the Netherlands Scientific Climate Council, which advises the Dutch government on climate policy.
Anne-Marie Hitipeuw is one of the two Dutch participants the scoping session for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. She is the senior policy advisor on knowledge for climate adaptation at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, where she is responsible for developing policy on flooding and monitoring climate adaptation. Before she joined the Ministry, Anne-Marie was The Hague’s chief resilience officer, responsible for delivering The Hague’s Resilience Strategy.
Bart van den Hurk is co-chair of the IPCC working group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability for the 7th IPCC assessment report, and previous co-author of the 6th IPCC assessment report. He is an expert on weather- and climate modelling, with a long career at the Royal Dutch Metereological Institute (KNMI). Bart is also the current scientific director of Deltares.
Andy van den Dobbelsteen is professor of Climate Design & Sustainability at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). His work focuses on the design of sustainable buildings and energy transition and climate adaptation in cities. He has worked internationally with governments and other organisations on sustainability and climate action. As Sustainability Coordinator of TU Delft he practises what he teaches and preaches, taking climate action on the university campus. In his keynote talk Andy will elaborate on the relation between climate change and cities, the challenges cities face, its possible solutions and the how research and innovation can contribute to it.

Leo Meyer worked at TNO (energy technology) and the former Ministry of environmental affairs (climate policy). He was involved in several roles in the IPCC, including as author and as head of the secretariats of the 2007 IPCC report on mitigation and the 2015 IPCC synthesis report. He currently works as a freelancer on climate and is a guest lecturer at the Earth sciences department at Utrecht University. In his talk Leo will elaborate on IPCC and its way of working.

Esther van Rijswijk will lead the discussions throughout the day. Esther is a moderator with an impressive record of moderating debates on a great variety of societal issues, and with many different organizations. She has a background in economics and has formerly worked as correspondent for Elsevier and RTL.
Michiel van den Hout is the first and current director of the Climate Research Initiative Netherlands (KIN). Originally a physicist, he has worked for several companies and subsequently in the field of science-funding and policy and as head of strategy at NWO-I, the institute organization of NWO, from whence Michiel has been involved in the founding of the KIN. Michiel will briefly introduce the KIN and its ambitions at the start of the day.

Heleen de Coninck

Heleen de Coninck is one of the two Dutch participants in the scoping session for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. She is professor in system transitions, innovation and climate change at both Eindhoven Technical University and Radboud University. Heleen was a coordinating lead author in the  IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018) as well as the mitigation part of the AR6 (2022). She is also the vice-chair of the Netherlands Scientific Climate Council, which advises the Dutch government on climate policy.

Anne-Marie Hitipeuw

Anne-Marie Hitipeuw is one of the two Dutch participants the scoping session for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. She is the senior policy advisor on knowledge for climate adaptation at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, where she is responsible for developing policy on flooding and monitoring climate adaptation. Before she joined the Ministry, Anne-Marie was The Hague’s chief resilience officer, responsible for delivering The Hague’s Resilience Strategy.

Bart van den Hurk

Bart van den Hurk is co-chair of the IPCC working group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability for the 7th IPCC assessment report, and previous co-author of the 6th IPCC assessment report. He is an expert on weather- and climate modelling, with a long career at the Royal Dutch Metereological Institute (KNMI). Bart is also the current scientific director of Deltares.

Andy van den Dobbelsteen

Andy van den Dobbelsteen is professor of Climate Design & Sustainability at Delft Technical University. His work focuses on the development of sustainable building and sustainable energy systems. He has worked with many local governments and heritage institutions on sustainability and climate adaptation projects.

Leo Meyer

Leo Meyer is the former deputy head of the Dutch Ministry of environmental affairs (VROM). He has had a longstanding involvement with the IPCC, and was co-author as well as the head of the technical support unit for the 2015 IPCC synthesis report on climate change, 5th assessment. He currently works as a freelance consultant on climate policy with Climate Contact-Consultancy, and is a guest lecturer at the Earth sciences department at Utrecht University.

Esther van Rijswijk

Esther van Rijswijk will lead the discussions throughout the day. Esther is a moderator with an impressive record of moderating debates on a great variety of societal issues, and with many different organizations. She has a background in economics and has formerly worked as correspondent for Elsevier and RTL.

Michiel van den Hout

Michiel van den Hout is the first and current director of the Climate Research Initiative Netherlands (KIN). Originally a physicist, he has worked for several companies and subsequently in the field of science-funding and policy and as head of strategy at NWO-I, the institute organization of NWO, from whence Michiel has been involved in the founding of the KIN. Michiel will briefly introduce the KIN and its ambitions at the start of the day.