With great pride and gratitude, we look back on the first year of the Dutch Climate Research Initiative (KIN). In November 2023, KIN officially opened its doors, and since then, the tremendous efforts of our colleagues, Pact partners, and the large group of individuals involved in our projects and workshops have brought us to where we are today. The opening in November was preceded by an intensive period of preparation. We are delighted to share the highlights of the past year with you and reflect on what we have achieved together.
- January 2022: The Permanent Committee for the National Institutes advises NWO and KNAW to explore whether there is support for a ‘new-style institute’ for climate research, which should combine the strengths of all relevant Dutch knowledge institutions.
- April 2022: NWO and KNAW establish Climate Taskforce.
- July 2022: Advice ‘Dutch Climate Research Initiative’.
- October 2022: NWO and KNAW decide to act on the report by appointing a facilitator and starting the ‘steering committee KIN in formation’.
- January 2023: The start of the establishment phase with various working groups. A broad call for ideas to accelerate the transition is also made.
- March/April 2023: In two prioritisation sessions, a number of themes are distilled from the ideas.
- May 2023: A programme committee provides advice.
- June 2023: The KIN governance working group advises to establish KIN as a steering body under NWO.
- October 2023: The first Crutzen workshop takes place in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands. Around 120 participants embark on the challenge of outlining the contours of the first work programme in a short period of time.
- November 2023: The establishment of KIN as the coordinating body of NWO, with broad support from the knowledge institutions.
- February 2024: A large consortium from the Crutzen workshop submits the grant application for the first KIN work programme. The programme is assessed within two weeks.
- March 2024: The Executive Board of NWO allocates the funding to the programme. On the same day, KIN organises an expert consultation to advise several Dutch IPCC authors from both policy and practice perspectives.
- April 2024: The festive launch of the KIN Pact takes place at museum Museon. From this day, the first KIN working groups are formed. We also kick off our Purpose Accelerator pilot programme with the THRIVE Institute and begin collaborating with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) for a series of Make-atons aimed at developing adaptation pathways for the National Climate Adaptation Strategy (NAS). In April, our new steering committee also meets for the first time.
- May 2024: The first Make-aton session takes place, during which the methodology for developing the adaptation pathways is created.
- June 2024: The second Make-aton takes place, laying the foundation for the adaptation pathways.
- July 2024: Derk Loorbach is appointed as the scientific figurehead.
- October 2024: The first concrete results come in: the first set of adaptation pathways is delivered during the third Make-aton.
- November 2024: The THRIVE x KIN Purpose Accelerator programme produces a group of new ‘knowledge brokers’.
Would you like to learn more about our first year and our plans for the future? Then read our first birthday magazine!