Recommendations from the KIN Advisory Report

KNAW and NWO have established a climate research task force, consisting of 23 scientists from various backgrounds. This temporary advisory body has produced a report on the establishment of a new network institute for interdisciplinary climate research. The task force examined how Dutch climate researchers from all disciplines could collaborate on a joint agenda for integrated climate research and how existing knowledge and expertise could be streamlined.

Get Started Quickly

Based on the findings in the advisory report, the Climate Research Task Force makes the following recommendations for the implementation of the KIN:

The urgency of climate change allows for no delay. Begin the concrete elaboration of the plans outlined in this advisory report as soon as possible and appoint, after consultation with stakeholders (e.g., EZK, OCW, UNL, university boards, TO2s, RKIs), a team of trailblazers for the further concretization and implementation of the KIN. Consider the following steps to accelerate the initial phase:

  • Organize a meeting to gather feedback from scientists, administrators, and representatives of societal partners actively engaged in climate research.
  • Develop an implementation plan that further elaborates on the current advice and incorporates input from consultations.
  • Prepare for the pilot phase (start) where workshops and initial programs will be conducted to gain experience with the proposed new methods.
  • Establish a steering group to guide the trailblazers’ phase; members of the current Climate Research Task Force can play a role if requested.

Ensure Integrated Implementation of the Advice

The KIN approach, as described in this advisory report, must be implemented in conjunction. Achieving impact requires that the different tracks are set up and executed simultaneously. Specifically, this means:

  • During the implementation phase, attention should be paid to shaping each of the three components of the KIN: program, pact, and center.
  • In the pilot phase, workshops and programs should be organized that focus on system transitions, including all related aspects (from technology to society).

Facilitate and Accelerate Knowledge Transition

The KIN operates with a new, integrated approach to knowledge co-creation, production, application, and dissemination. This also requires a transition in the involved part of the knowledge world. Facilitate and accelerate that process where possible through the proposed KIN approach, and ensure that the incentives for researchers work well. This could be achieved, for example, by organizing workshops during the pilot/start phase where stakeholders and researchers together shape a concrete research program.


Align with National and International Developments

See the KIN not as a standalone, competing project, but as a complement, consolidation, and further development of existing initiatives, both nationally and internationally. The urgency of the issue calls for extensive collaboration, not competition.


Keep an Eye on the Long(er) Term

The advisory report proposes an approach tailored to the longer term. System transitions and the knowledge required, as well as the international program, are long-term endeavors. An initiative like this will need to exist for at least 10 years or longer.

NWO and KNAW Board Response

The boards of NWO and KNAW acknowledge the urgency and embrace the proposed form this initiative should take according to the task force. The boards are impressed by the innovation reflected in this initiative. The report is impressive, inspiring, and innovative. The emphasis on accelerating system transitions is an important starting point. The report also makes clear that we should not view scientific research as an end goal but rather as a starting point for solutions in which scientists, together with societal actors, further develop the results of research.

The Advisory Report

Download the advice.

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