What We Do

With KIN, we want to increase the contribution of science to accelerating system transitions. We do this by connecting knowledge, institutions and organisations at national level, identifying together where there are gaps in our knowledge and/or infrastructure, and enabling researchers to deploy and unlock their knowledge together with public, social and/or private parties. The KIN initiates additional research at the knowledge institutes, and initiates new programmes where these do not come about within the existing system.

We do this from a national centre, operating with the support of the Dutch knowledge institutions, where knowledge and expertise are pooled nationally, through KIN-initiated work programmes and projects, and from a national platform: the KIN Pact.

Our Programs

The KIN facilitates work programmes, projects and collaborations for accelerating system transitions in various ways. We test forms of co-creation in innovative ways. We start small, try to remove obstacles, learn from the findings and build further. In this way, we hope to build the KIN quickly but carefully, openly and transparently. We do this together through cooperation with various parties.


Netherlands Work Programs



Short-Term Programs

Do You Want to Contribute to a Climate-Resilient World?

KIN connects, broadens, deepens, and unlocks knowledge for transitions towards a climate-neutral and climate-resilient society. Do you want to contribute to this as well? Contact us.