Work Programs
KIN’s work programmes focus on accelerating systemic transitions. Applying a systemic lens, we look at the connection between sub-problems. This provides long-term action perspectives. To this end, we work in co-creation, with different types of actors from different disciplines. Our work programmes bring knowledge and practice together and are therefore mission-driven.
Het startpunt voor onze werkprogramma’s is een Crutzen workshop. Daarin werken alle belanghebbenden (onderzoekers, beleidsmakers, maatschappelijke partijen) in korte tijd aan de contouren van een werkprogramma. De workshops zijn vernoemd naar de Nederlandse meteoroloog en Nobelprijswinnaar Paul Crutzen, een van de belangrijkste personen in de atmosferische wetenschappen.
Crutzen workshop
The starting point for our work programmes is a Crutzen workshop. In it, all stakeholders (researchers, policymakers, societal stakeholders) work on the outlines of a work programme in a short period of time. The workshops are named after Dutch meteorologist and Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, one of the leading figures in atmospheric sciences. Coming to action and research in a new way – working together not in competition but in co-creation towards a common goal. That is the starting point of the Crutzen workshops. The workshops can take different forms. In this phase of the KIN, we are trying out different approaches.
In co-creatie
Op een nieuwe manier komen tot actie en onderzoek – niet in competitie maar in co-creatie samenwerken aan een gemeenschappelijk doel. Dat is het uitgangspunt van de Crutzen workshops. De workshops kunnen verschillende vormen hebben. In deze fase van het KIN proberen we verschillende aanpakken uit.
De eerste workshop – die we organiseerden op basis van de Open Space Technology methode – was op 9, 10 en 11 oktober 2023.
Bekijk de ruwe gespreksverslagen [PDF] van de eerste Crutzenworkshop.
Lees ook de nieuwsberichten over de Crutzenworkshop:
Launch of first work programme
The kick-off for shaping the first work programme took place on 9, 10 and 11 October 2023. In our first Crutzen workshop, based on the Open Space Technology method, the first action plans were formed to lead to the first work programme.
In 2023…
- We organized prioritization sessions among other activities.
- A pre-programme council considered the results of those prioritization sessions.
- And we organized the first Crutzen workshop.
Focus Areas and Approach
The document ‘Focus areas and mode of operation of the KIN work programmes’ highlights the KIN work programmes aimed at accelerating system transitions. The document defines system transitions, provides topic examples and highlights interdisciplinary collaboration for effective solutions in the climate crisis.
*Note, the document is written in Dutch.
KIN in oprichting
Het KIN werd in november 2023 officieel opgericht. Voor die tijd hebben we al grote stappen gezet. Het klimaat wacht immers niet.
In 2023…
- hebben we onder meer prioriteringssessies georganiseerd;
- heeft een pre-programmaraad zich gebogen over de resultaten van die prioriteringssessies;
- en hebben we de eerste Crutzen workshop georganiseerd.
Focusgebieden en werkwijze
Het document ‘Focusgebieden en werkwijze van de KIN-werkprogramma’s’ belicht de KIN-werkprogramma’s, gericht op versnelde systeemtransities. Het document definieert systeemtransities, biedt thema-voorbeelden en benadrukt interdisciplinaire samenwerking voor effectieve oplossingen in de klimaatcrisis.
Adviesrapport van Taskforce
KNAW en NWO hebben een taskforce klimaatonderzoek in het leven geroepen, die bestond uit 23 wetenschappers met verschillende achtergronden. Dit tijdelijke adviesorgaan heeft een rapport uitgebracht dat ten grondslag ligt aan de oprichting van het KIN.
Applying for Grants
KIN’s first work programme is themed ‘Climate transition in urban areas through the lens of climate justice’. It involves a maximum grant of €1,500,000. One application for one work programme is expected to be awarded. Prior to the opening of the grant, the KIN organised the Crutzen Workshop. Over three days, all parties involved (representatives of companies, governments, civil society organisations and researchers) worked together on the outlines for a first work programme. It is part of the pilot phase, in which we are experimenting with the innovative KIN approach.
The grant application goes through NWO and must therefore also be submitted through their system (ISAAC). All the information needed to submit the application can be found here.
As mentioned, this is a pilot, which differs from the regular NWO approach. If you have any questions or would like to join the consortium to be formed, please contact us.
View the relevant documentation:
- Climate Transition in Urban Areas | Program and Subsidy Conditions PDF | 1.23 MB
- Climate Transition in Urban Areas | Application Form DOCX | 152.61 kB
- Climate Transition in Urban Areas | De Minimis Declaration PDF | 1.01 MB
- Climate Transition in Urban Areas | Model Consortium Agreement DOCX | 28.4 kB
- Climate Transition in Urban Areas | Appointment and Project Guidance Declaration DOCX | 21.1 kB
- Climate Transition in Urban Areas | Co-Financing Form DOCX | 145.09 kB
KIN connects, broadens, deepens, and unlocks knowledge for transitions towards a climate-neutral and climate-resilient society
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KIN connects, broadens, deepens, and unlocks knowledge for transitions towards a climate-neutral and climate-resilient society. Do you want to contribute to this as well? Contact us.